Apple Rush Company Inc. (OTC:APRU) Stock In Focus After Shareholder Update

If a company makes an announcement with regards to a substantial reduction in its common shares, then it generally leads to interest from investors. Hence, this morning, it may be a good idea to look into the announcement from Apple Rush Company Inc. (OTC:APRU) last Friday. The company announced that it had decided on a strategic move to cut down on its number of issued and outstanding common shares by a maximum of 3 billion shares.

In the news release, the company noted that the move was a demonstration of its commitment to boost value for shareholders and was going to be a major moment in its efforts to restructure. In this regard, it ought to be noted that in January, Apple Rush Company cut down on its number of authorized shares by as many as 39 billion. The company noted in its news release that it was also a demonstration of its commitment to shareholder value.

However, that was not all. In another development, the company recently announced that it had completed the acquisition of ACE (Alkhemical Roots CE), previously known as Mo Botanicals. ACE is a leading player in the plant botanicals space. The company noted that through the acquisition, it had further reinforced its position as the leader of the industry.

The senior members of the staff and management at ACE had also been seamlessly integrated into Apple Rush’s vision as a company. ACE has been involved in the plant medicine industry for more than three decades, and additionally, it possesses a highly skilled research and development team. Apple Rush noted that the combination of both had led to the presence of highly advanced extraction technology at ACE. That also led to strong financial performance as ACE built on its revenues of $900,000 in 2022 and improved them to $1.3 million in 2023.

Pete Matthews

Pete attended the University of Colorado and still calls the centennial state home. He chases trout in the summer and snowboards in the winter. He is fascinated with the markets and has a strong interest in nanocap stocks and crypto currency.