ASEP Medical Holdings Inc. (OTC:SEPSF) Stock On Watchlist After Patent News

As another trading week comes into play, it may be the right time for investors to start considering the stocks that could be in action today. One of those could well be ASEP Medical Holdings Inc. (OTC:SEPSF) in light of the announcement made by the company this past Friday. The company announced at the time that its artificial intelligence-powered sepsis diagnosis technology, named Sepset, had been awarded a patent in the United States.

ASEP Medical received the confirmation from the concerned attorneys, and it was also noted that the patent had also been validated in the United States, representing as many as 332 million people. It was a particularly significant development since the patent was an addition to the successful award of patents for the same in Australia and Europe in November last year, which made up a total of 400 million.

The patent for the United States had been granted on August 18, 2023, and had been licensed exclusively to Sepset Biosciences Inc., the company’s subsidiary. However, more importantly, it also validated the unique artificial intelligence-powered approach from the company for the diagnosis of sepsis. Sepsis is a disease that is directly responsible for 11 million or more deaths on a yearly basis. The product Sepset had been developed in the form of a blood-based gene expression assay. It was developed under the leadership of noted UBC microbiologist Dr. Robert E. W. Hancock, who had also founded ASEP Medical Holdings.

The test would help in the faster and earlier risk assessment pertaining to sepsis and would help with targeted treatment. Patients who suffer from severe COVID-19 symptoms are also known to succumb to sepsis. However, in this context, it is also important to keep in mind that the patents would also provide ASEP Medical with a strong business basis. That would be particularly important in light of the high level of development and preparation that would be necessary in the 510 (k) studies, which would take place in the United States. It ought to be noted that the company has already validated its process in excess of 700 severe COVID-19 and sepsis trials so far. Hence, it would look into duplicating the same process in a formal trial.

The company had also been in the news on November 21 when it announced that it had signed a definitive joint venture agreement with Sansure Biotech Inc., a leading Chinese medical diagnostic company. The deal had been signed through Sepset Biosciences, Inc. Sansure had also signed the agreement through its subsidiary unit, Hunan Xiang Jiang Sansure Biotech Fund LP.

The Sansure Biotech Fund is an investment fund that has been established by Sansure, Changsha Sanway Spring Venture Capital Co. Ltd., and other entities. The joint venture agreement between the parties was inked on October 27, 2023. As per the joint venture agreement, the registered capital of the joint venture, named Hunan Sanway SepSMART Ltd.,  would be 50000000 RMB.