Avanti Energy (OTCMKTS:ARGYF) Stock Is In Downtrend: How to Trade Now?

Company focusing on exploration, development as well as production of helium across western Canada and the United States, Avanti Energy (OTCMKTS:ARGYF) on August 9, 2021, announced that its firm’s shares are eligible for settlement and electronic clearing through Depository Trust Company in the United States. 

DTC, a subsidiary of Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation, manages electronic clearing of public traded companies.

Chris Bakker, Avanti Energy CEO, said that the DTC eligibility makes it simple to trade and transfer Avanti Energy shares between different brokerages in the US and lowers costs incurred in trading shares.  Bakker expects this would ensure greater liquidity as well as execution speeds besides being available for a broader range of investors.

Avanti Energy shares are listed on OTC, a U.S.-based securities trading system, under the symbol “ARGYF”. 

Avanti also announced retaining Hybrid Financial Ltd, a sales and distribution company that actively connects issuers to the investment community across North America. Hybrid has been engaged initially for six months commencing from August and then renewal shall happen automatically for three months unless terminated by the firm. Hybrid will be given a monthly fee of $15,000, plus applicable taxes, during the Initial Term.

Avanti also announced the appointment of Mr. Jody Denis as Senior Drilling and Completions Manager, for overseeing the firm’s drilling programs in Montana and Alberta.

Dennis is an engineer having close to two decades of experience in oil and gas drilling as well as production optimization.

Pete Matthews

Pete attended the University of Colorado and still calls the centennial state home. He chases trout in the summer and snowboards in the winter. He is fascinated with the markets and has a strong interest in nanocap stocks and crypto currency.