Impact Fusion International Inc. (OTC:IFUS) Stock In Focus After Recent News

After having coined the phrase “SGP+ creates the perfect trifecta: Ration, Digestion, and Absorption,” the Chief Executive Officer of Impact Fusion International Inc. (OTC:IFUS), Mark Walther, asked the company’s scientific team to unearth more information.

On December 19, the company announced that considerable progress had been made by the scientific team on that front. The company revealed that it had depended on the research conducted by Dr. Wells of the Noble Research Institute pertaining to the monitoring of the well-being and health of cattle that had been consuming SGP+ manure patties by scoring the same.

In this context, it may be a good idea for investors to get a better idea about manure scoring as a tool. Articles that have been published by well-established public, government, and private entities recommend the use of manure scoring as an effective way of managing rations. T

The Impact Fusion International Test Ranch had applied manual scoring for many years and had made adjustments to its rations based on the same observations. In the news release yesterday, it was noted that Impact Fusion International was committed to the validation, commercialization, and research of technology. That was the reason why the company continued to focus on observation, field analysis, analysis, and laboratory testing. Additionally, it had also conducted trials for the validation of the ‘trifecta’ that had been described by the CEO, Walther.

On Tuesday, Walther stated that SPG+ was a major breakthrough in the world of bovine ration management. He went on to add that the product had also demonstrated that the food eaten by herds and the technique of the eating, in addition to the timing, were all major factors in bringing about better healing as well as absorption. In light of the latest developments, it remains to be seen if the stock comes into focus among investors or not.

Madison Hall

After graduating from the University of Buffalo, Madison gained a real interest in the markets. She tends to be a swing trader and enjoys Pilates and yoga in her downtime.