Major League Football Inc. (OTCMKTS:MLFB) Stock Gains Sudden Buying Interest : Jumps 16%

Major League Football Inc. (OTCMKTS:MLFB) was up 16.5%.The company’s CEO, Frank Murtha, announced the cities that will be considered for the company’s initial six-team Franchise.

Market Stats

On Tuesday, MLFB stock rose 16.53% at $0.0141 with more than 5.26 million shares, compared to its average volume of 1.71 million shares. The stock has moved within a range of $0.0130 – 0.0170 after opening the trade at $0.0132.

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The cities include Montgomery and Mobile in Alabama, Dayton and Orlando in Florida, Austin, Denton, and San Antonio in Texas, Oklahoma City, Canton-Massillon in Ohio, Little Rock in Arkansas, and Norfolk-Virginia. Murtha said that training camp for the first six teams will be from Mid-April 2022 at premier Sports Complex, Lakewood Ranch, Florida. After the training, the teams will then move to their respective home cities.

The company has previously acquired all football equipment that Alliance of American Football uses for the eight teams before terminating their operations and its electronic equipment, officer, and other assets through bankruptcy actions in San Antonio, where it is currently stored.Murtha also said that the company retained Irish Armour Security as its internal, corporate, and team security company. Irish Armour will be responsible for supervising stadium security and operations. So, in the coming months, MLFB is worth watching.

Jon Williams

Jon graduated from the University of Michigan with a degree in finance. He is an avid investor and enjoys reporting on the markets. When he is not in front of a computer he enjoys playing golf and watching basketball.