Relief Therapeutics Holding SA (OTCMKTS:RLFTF) Stock Continues To Move Up

Yesterday the biopharmaceutical company Relief Therapeutics Holding SA (OTCMKTS:RLFTF), which is involved in advancing treatments for benefitting the lives of patients suffering from rare conditions, made a key announcement.

Trading Data

On Monday, RLFTF stock increased 1.55% to $0.0230 with more than 528.32K shares, compared to its average volume of 944.75K shares. The stock moved within a range of $0.0220 – 0.0250 after opening trade at $0.0226.

Relief Therapeutics Appoints World-Renowned Gene Therapy Pioneer Guangping Gao, Ph.D. as Chair of Scientific Advisory Board

The company announced yesterday that it had appointed GuanpingGaoPh.D, who is a gene therapy pioneer of world renown, as the chair of its scientific advisory board. It should be noted that the scientific advisory board had been recently established by Relief Therapeutics. At this point in time Dr. Gao is the director of the Viral Vector Core and also the Horae Gene Therapy Center. In addition to that, he is also the co-director of the Li Weibo Institute for Rare Diseases Research.

He is a professor of physiological systems and microbiology and also the Penelope Booth Rockwell Chair  in the field of biomedical research at University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School located in Worcester, Massachusetts.

He is known globally as a gene therapy pioneer and has managed to accomplish a lot in the field throughout the course of his glittering career. His appointment on the Scientific Advisory Board of the company could well prove to be a strong move from the company.

Madison Hall

After graduating from the University of Buffalo, Madison gained a real interest in the markets. She tends to be a swing trader and enjoys Pilates and yoga in her downtime.