Searchlight Resources Inc. (OTCMKTS:CNYCF) Stock In Downtrend: Falls 12% In a Month

Searchlight Resources Inc. (OTCMKTS:CNYCF) is down 12% in a month. The company has closed the second tranche of its private placement financing of non-flow-through and flow-through units, as previously announced on November 14, 2021.

Market Stats

On Friday, CNYCF stock ended flat at $0.0616 with 26K shares, compared to its average volume of 29K shares. The stock has moved within a range of $0.0616 – 0.0616 after opening trading at $0.0636.

Searchlight Resources Closes Second Tranche of Private Placement Financing

The second private placement tranche totaled $495,600, accounting to $280,600 non-flow-through units and $215,000 flow-through units. The first private placement tranche closed on December 2, 2021, was around $878,337 and comprised $160,000 non-flow-through units and $718,337 flow-through units.

The company issued 3.507 units in the second tranche at $0.08 per unit for the total proceeds of $280,600. Notably, each unit comprises a common share and one-half of a common share purchase warrant. Warrant holders will be entitled to purchase additional Searchlight Resources common shares at $0.12 per share for two years from the day of issuance. Also, the company issued 2.25 million flow-through units at $0.1 per unit for $215,000 in total proceeds. Again, each unit comprises a flow-through common share and one-half of a purchase warrant for common share. So in the coming weeks, CNYCF is worth watching.

Traders Corner

CNYCF stock is trading below the 20-Day and 50-Day Moving averages of $0.0653 and $0.0634 respectively. Moreover, the stock is trading below the 200-Day moving average of $0.0611.

Pete Matthews

Pete attended the University of Colorado and still calls the centennial state home. He chases trout in the summer and snowboards in the winter. He is fascinated with the markets and has a strong interest in nanocap stocks and crypto currency.