SmartMetric Inc (OTCMKTS:SMME) Stock In Focus After Latest News

SmartMetric Inc (OTCMKTS:SMME) on May 3, 2023, announced successfully adding thermal sensing inside its biometric fingerprint-activated credit cards. This will defeat fake artificial fingerprints from fraudsters looking to fool biometric protection inside SmartMetric cards.

Trading Data

On Wednesday, SMME stock ended flat at $0.0010 with 9.45 million shares, compared to its average volume 7.70 million shares. The stock moved within a range of $0.0009 – 0.0011 after opening trade at $0.0009.

SmartMetric Premium Biometric Fingerprint Activated Credit Cards Add Thermal Sensing To Defeat Fake Fingerprint Fraud Attempts

Chaya Hendrick, SmartMetric’s President & CEO said that the company is a robust technology engineering firm specializing in nano and ultra-small electronics design and manufacture. Hendrick added that the firm’s successful addition of thermal sensing inside the card can detect fake fingers when touched by a user.

SmartMetric has a research and development center in Tel Aviv, Israel, and found that the anti-fraud live detection through software claims isn’t real. Hendrick further stated that this is a huge step forward in securing fingerprint biometrics against fraudsters.

The CEO added that SmartMetric has spent more than a decade perfecting the miniaturization of its biometric card internal electronics. The company will enforce patents for protecting it from predatorycopycats, who may copy the intellectual property of the SmartMetric biometric fingerprint-activated card.

The market size of existing cards with chips is 11 billion issued cards. Independent market research has shown that 70% of existing credit and debit card holders are keen on buying a credit card or debit card with built-in biometric fingerprint activation security.

Pete Matthews

Pete attended the University of Colorado and still calls the centennial state home. He chases trout in the summer and snowboards in the winter. He is fascinated with the markets and has a strong interest in nanocap stocks and crypto currency.