Yuka Group Inc (OTCMKTS:YUKA) Opts for Omni-Channel Expansion for CBD Assortment

Yuka E-Commerce, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Yuka Group Inc (OTCMKTS:YUKA). has just begun the year with a wide range of a CBD assortment. They have expanded their portfolio by double the number of brands than previous years, which include Enjoy CBD, Integrity Hempceuticals, E-Z Nite CBD, and others.

Market Stats

On Monday, YUKA stock soared 56.42% to $0.36 with 14k shares, compared to its average volume of 1.3K shares. The stock moved within a range of $0.2200 – 0.3600 after opening trading at $0.22.

Yuka can also showcase these new brands on their personal website BestCBDFinds.com. It will allow them to reach out to audiences who are more familiar with their website and products. Enjoy CBD, is a contemporary brand that appeals to the target audience based on the effect it has and its ability to cater to everyone’s needs throughout the day. They have products like “All-Natural NANO CBD Mood Based Gummies & Tinctures” that are immensely popular due to the recognition it received from partnered sales channels once it was officially onboarded by Yuka.

Meir Avitan, President of Yuka Group Inc. stated that with the Farm Bill passing in 2018, which allows the sale of CBD-derived products and the federal legalization of industrial hemp, it looks like the market is all set to become a 20 billion industry by the end of 2022. By partnering with the largest online marketplaces that permit the sale of CBD, they have grossed over $8 million in this category alone!

Key Quote

“With the Farm Bill passing in 2018, allowing the sale of the CBD-derived products and the federal legalization of industrial hemp, there was an expectancy for this market to grow into a $20 billion industry by the end of 2022.” said Meir Avitan, President of Yuka Group Inc.

Pete Matthews

Pete attended the University of Colorado and still calls the centennial state home. He chases trout in the summer and snowboards in the winter. He is fascinated with the markets and has a strong interest in nanocap stocks and crypto currency.