Stereo Vision Entertainment Inc. (OTC:SVSN) Stock In Focus After Latest News

This morning, most investors are going to be looking into companies that may have been in the news cycle on Monday, and one of the companies that could be worth looking into is the Nevada-registered company Stereo Vision Entertainment Inc. (OTC:SVSN). Yesterday, the company came into the news cycle after it came up with an update on the value that had been added thanks to the acquisition of its fully owned subsidiary Climate Cure Capital Corporation by its subsidiary Eco Allies.

The Chief Executive Officer of Stereo Vision Entertainment, Jack Honour, noted that the acquisition concluded the consolidation of the ecological restoration and preservation efforts of The Vision Group under the Eco Allies brand. In order to complete the transaction, Stereo Vision was paid 1 million Eco Allies’ SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) registered stock for getting hold of the entirety of the Climate Cure Capital stock. As a consequence of the transaction, the Stereo Vision Eco Allies Reg A+ shareholdings reached three million shares, and the company continued to have a majority stake in Eco Allies.

It was also noted that, as per the terms of the agreement, there would be cancelled debts as well as long-term payments, which Stereo Vision Entertainment would be entitled to in the future. Additionally, the company would also be entitled to 10% of the net earnings of Climate Cure Capitals following the consummation of the deal. Climate Cure had originally been acquired by Stereo Vision Entertainment in August 2019 through a payment of $50000 in the form of its own stock. In this context, it should be noted that Stereo Vision Entertainment boasts a team made up of highly accomplished industry professionals in the field of ecological restoration and preservation. In light of the latest development, investors could do well to keep an eye on it.

Madison Hall

After graduating from the University of Buffalo, Madison gained a real interest in the markets. She tends to be a swing trader and enjoys Pilates and yoga in her downtime.